Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recommendation proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Recommendation proposal - Essay Example In this report, I give an explanation on better solution identified by the state welfare committee and present our findings after comparison of substance abuse mental disorder cases in the state. Together with the social welfare committee, we have considered the following solutions: There has been a big increase of substance mental disorder cases over the past couple of years. Excessive drinking of alcohol has been one of the major causes. This increase is attributed to ignorance, violation of rules controlling sale and drinking of alcohol not having effective public sensitization programs on dangers of abusing alcohol and lineament punishment to the offenders. The enforcement of laws that govern alcohol sale and consumption is a major step. This can de enhanced by employing more policemen and giving them relevant patrol facilities. This will deter the law breakers from going against the regulations that control alcohol sale and consumption. More social workers should be employed and trained to educate the public on the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, the social worker should be empowered and facilitated by more training and finances to educate the public. Further, the social workers should innovate more ways to educate and create more forums to sensitize the public. There are bar attendants selling alcohol to patrons which are already drunk to maximize the profit. In addition, others extend the time limits contributing to an increase in excessive alcohol consumption. Laws should be enacted to give stiff penalties to these offenders to deter them violating the law. For the first offenders, the fines should be more and the second offenders’ licenses should be suspended and the offenders jailed. The fines for patron who engage in binge drinking should be more and repeat offenders should be taken to rehabilitation centers. There were 1040 cases of substance abuse mental disorder in 2012. Through recruiting more

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